Urban Institute

Evaluation Background

Kansas: Kansas Juvenile Justice Authority

The Kansas Juvenile Justice Authority will reform the admissions and release processes at its correctional facilities and enhance community transition and long-term support in the South Central Kansas areas of Sedgwick, Cowley, and Butler/Elk/Greenwood Counties and in the Northeast Kansas areas of Shawnee, Johnson, and Wyandotte Counties. These areas correspond to the 13th, 18th, 19th, 3d, 10th, and 29th judicial districts, respectively. Grant funds will also be used to implement a full needs and risk assessment process in one institution, allowing it to develop a process also suitable for Topeka, Beloit, Larned, and Atchison Juvenile Correctional Facilities. The program will also provide for regular monthly communication with families and field staff, and improved community contact through teleconferencing.

Award Amount (3 year total): $1,000,000.00

Programs operated by the Kansas Juvenile Justice Authority:

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