Urban Institute

Evaluation Background

Oklahoma: Oklahoma Department of Corrections

The Oklahoma Department of Corrections will target high-risk offenders ages 18–35. The program will focus on the treatment needs of each offender being released, utilizing a coordinated reentry plan developed and implemented by a team composed of corrections and community-based transition staff. The focal point for community services will be the local Workforce Oklahoma offices and the Oklahoma City Weed and Seed Office. The program design focuses on improved assessment, information sharing, and outreach to the community during the incarceration stage. These efforts will be combined with community outreach into correctional facilities during the period immediately preceeding the offender's return to the community. An expanded force of transition workers coordinating the variety of available services will help provide seamless services to address the needs of the targeted offenders returning to Oklahoma County.

Award Amount (3 year total): $1,000,608.00

Programs operated by the Oklahoma Department of Corrections:

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